In the New Testament, to be a Christian is to belong to a local church. In Acts 2:41, it is clear that people were "added" to the Jerusalem church upon repentance, faith in Christ, and baptism. And Christians are given commands that only make sense in light of being attached to a local church.
To become a member at HPBC, there are 3 steps:

Step 1: Attend the Membership Class

The first step in pursuing membership at High Pointe is to attend the Membership class. Attending this class does not commit you to membership, but it is required prior to joining. The class covers the following three areas:
1. What is the church and why should I join?
2. What does High Pointe believe?
    (Click here for our Statement of Faith)
3. What do we expect of church members at High Pointe? 
   (Click here to see our Church Covenant)

We are now offering Membership Classes every other month. Our next membership class will be on Sunday, November 10 from 1:15 PM to 4:30 PM. Click here to register.

Step 2: Meet with a Pastor

After you have attended the Membership Class, you will sit down with one or two elders for a membership interview. This interview allows the elders to get to know you and gives you the opportunity to ask further questions about High Pointe in an informal setting. You can schedule your interview at the end of the membership class you attend.

Step 3: Congregational Affirmation

The final step in our membership process involves the elders recommending you for membership to the congregation. As we are congregationally governed, the church will then vote to affirm you as a new member of our church family during a members' meeting. Please note that you won't be present during that members' meeting since you won't be a member yet.

Need more information?

If you would like to know more about our membership process, fill out the form below and one of our pastoral staff will contact you soon.