Women's Christmas Brunch

Come join the women of High Pointe at their annual Christmas Brunch! There will be food,  sweet fellowship, and a time of teaching.  The speaker this year is High Pointe's very own Susan Horton!

The brunch will be on December 9th in the High Pointe Auditorium from 10 AM to 12 PM. The cost is $5 per person.

Here are a few important notes:
  • There will not be any childcare available during this event
  • This will be a potluck, so women are being asked to bring a brunch item to share
  • We need several women to help set up decorations either Friday evening or early Saturday morning
  • Please sign up to help serve on the kitchen crew, set-up crew, or clean-up crew. We want to all work together to help the event go smoothly!


We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.