Enduring Faithfully through the Remainder of 2020

The global coronavirus pandemic has, at the very least, frustrated summer plans. As we approach the end of summer and beginning of fall 2020, questions remain – about school, sports, work, even church. Your elders have been prayerfully seeking to shepherd you through this strange season of life. The truth is, though, we don’t know what’s in store for the weeks and months ahead. We must prepare for uncertainty for the remainder of the year. Lord willing, a viable vaccine(s) will be identified by the end of the year or the beginning of 2021. We know we can trust the Lord, and we know this will pass. Until then, the Lord calls us to endure steadfast under trial. To be sure, this is a trial. The question is, “How will we fare?” Let me encourage you in a number of ways.

First and foremost, continue resting in the Lord. He is sovereign, wise, good, and faithful. None of what has happened has taken him by surprise. And nothing that happens to us will be wasted. Our sovereign Lord will cause all things to work together so that we may be conformed to the image of Jesus (Romans 8:28-30). Instead of complaining about the trials we are facing, the Bible reminds us to ask for wisdom to endure through them (James 1:5-8), so that our steadfast endurance may have its full effect, “that you may be perfect and complete, lacking in nothing” (James 1:4). High Pointe, let us rest in the Lord and endure faithfully under trial.

Secondly, if possible, plan time away with your family. You need to find ways to rest, to get away from the daily pressures of work and the daily demands of life. Summer provides natural rhythms in our calendars when we can plan time(s) away, so take advantage of those rhythms. There are still a few weeks left before the beginning of the school year. You may think that you cannot afford a vacation, but you can easily take day trips to parks, plan a staycation, or spend a family weekend camping. Be creative! And make some memories! I always enjoy it when Jeanine and I visit other churches during vacation with our girls. It is humbling, restful, and encouraging. It also makes me even more thankful for our High Pointe family!

Thirdly, though the coronavirus has altered our ministry calendar and activities, we continue to be the church. At the very least, we will offer an online live stream service. As long as we’re able, we will meet in person for those who are able, willing, and comfortable. Lord willing, on Sunday, August 9, I will begin preaching through Ephesians. I’ve long looked forward to that. Please pray for me as I prepare and for us as a church as we hear from the Lord. Let us also continue taking advantage of every opportunity the Lord gives us to speak with our neighbors, friends, family, and co-workers about Christ, and let us invite them to join us for a Sunday gathering. Pray that the Lord would allow us to see much fruit from our evangelism efforts.

Finally, let me remind you that we will still have the same budget needs. The elders thank the Lord for your sacrificial generosity during this year, particularly during the first months of our shutdown. Over the summer months – when giving tends to be lower – we’ve had some unexpected maintenance expenses. Still, your generous giving allowed us to make the necessary repairs. Thank you, High Pointe, for your continued faithful, sacrificial, and generous giving. Let’s continue to practice that generosity for the remainder of 2020. There is still much to be done for the glory of God, the spread of Jesus’ name, and the good of our neighbors. I pray that you and your family are experiencing a joyful and blessed summer, in spite of the coronavirus, and that the Lord would continue working in encouraging ways at High Pointe!

Pastor Juan

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