Summer Preaching Series July 23, 2023

This Sunday, we welcome Dr. Ligon Duncan
Ligon Duncan is the Chancellor/CEO of Reformed Theological Seminary and the John E. Richards Professor of Systematic and Historical Theology. Ligon was born in Greenville, SC, and reared in the home of an eighth generation Presbyterian ruling elder. A 1983 graduate of Furman University (B.A. History), he received the M.Div. and M.A. (Historical Theology) from Covenant Theological Seminary. He earned the Ph.D. from the University of Edinburgh, New College, Scotland, in 1995 (under the supervision of renowned Reformation and Patristics scholar, David F. Wright). While in Scotland he also studied Systematic Theology at the Free Church of Scotland College (now Edinburgh Theological Seminary) with Professor Donald Macleod.

Before assuming the role of chancellor of RTS, Dr. Duncan was the senior minister of First Presbyterian Church in Jackson, Mississippi. We look forward to hearing Dr. Duncan preach on
Titus 2.

This Sunday’s Schedule:
9:00 AM Life Classes, Membership Class
10:00 AM Morning Gathering
Guest Preacher: Dr. Ligon Duncan
Sermon Title: The Agenda of Grace
Sermon Text: Titus 2

Spanish Membership Class | Saturday, July 29 | 9:00 am – Noon
Para los que quieren tomar la clase de membresia, vengan el sábado, 29 de Julio de 9:00 am hasta las 12:00. Estaremos en el East Training Room. Si tienen preguntas comuniquen con pastor Jaime Francisco:

Summer Life Classes
Our 9:00 am summer Life Classes are meeting through the end of July. We are not offering a children’s Life Class this summer. We encourage the whole family to attend our summer Life Class together. We look forward to seeing you this Sunday morning! Here are our classes this quarter:

  • Paul’s Letter to Titus | Fellowship Hall – first floor by the kitchen 
  (Esta clase se ofrece en Español también – segundo piso, East Training Room)

  • Student Ministry Life Class – Students (going into 6th-12th grade) | Old Choir Room

  • Meaningful Membership Class | First Floor, Classroom By Office Entrance
The first step in pursuing membership at High Pointe is to attend the membership class. The class can be completed over the course of three sessions, which cover the following topics:
oWhat is the Church & Why Should I Join?
oWhat Does High Pointe Believe?
oWhat You Need To Know About High Pointe
oWhat Does High Pointe Expect of Church Members

High Pointe Mission Trips
In an effort to encourage missions at High Pointe, we are offering three mission trips this year:
Would you pray about one of these trips? More information will be forthcoming, but you can prepare now by (1) securing a passport, (2) asking questions, (3) and letting us know of your interest.

Giving at High Pointe
God is generous, and so he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows the world where our hearts are and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God in every area of our lives, including what we do with our finances. But as you may have noticed, we do not take up a collection on Sundays at High Pointe. Consequently, we’ve been receiving questions as to how to give. There are several ways you may give:
  1. Offering Boxes in Auditorium – You may place your offering in an offering box.
  2. Mail – You may mail your contribution to the church office.
  3. Text/Online – You may give by texting 84321 (it will require a first-time setup).
  4. Your Bank – You may give through your own bank via Bill Pay or ACH.

If you have any questions, go to this LINK. Our financial staff is also available to help or answer your questions. You may call the church office at 512-837-7725.

On-Call Pastor
To better care for you, High Pointe, we have an “on-call” pastor available for emergencies after office hours and on weekends. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1.

Preaching Schedule: Pray regularly for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, prepare for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking it through, and asking questions about the text before Sunday. Here is a preaching schedule designed to help you prepare for Sundays:

23 July | Ligon Duncan, chancellor, Reformed Theological Seminary
30 July | Omar Johnson, Temple Hills Baptist Church, Temple Hills, Maryland

Resources of the Week
wondered why sometimes church feels more like a burden than a blessing, here are five possible reasons why (and what you can do about them).”

oParents, do you have a child struggling with (or sitting through) Bible reading?
Here are five resources that may offer help.

oWe are commanded to encourage one another, but how may we encourage one
another without flattery? In this episode of “Ask Pastor John,” Dr. Piper helps us
understand the difference.

Begin praying as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.


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