Red Dot Churches vs Green Dot Churches

At our members’ meeting on Sunday night, I introduced the concept of Red Dot churches and Green Dot churches. The Great Commission is fulfilled by planting healthy churches that evangelize, disciple, and raise up elders (Matthew 29:19-20). This is precisely what we see the apostle Paul doing throughout the book of Acts – preaching the gospel, gathering believers, strengthening them, and ordering them with elders.

Green Dot churches are those churches that are outwardly-focused and seek to fulfill the Great Commission by sharing their resources. Green Dot churches are net exporters. They raise up and send out more preachers/pastors, members, and money than they need. Red Dot churches are net importers. They consume more preachers/pastors, members, and money than they need. Rather than share their resources, they keep them for themselves.

High Pointe is committed to being a Green Dot church. As a result, the Lord has allowed us to commit at least 10% of all the income we receive to gospel work outside of High Pointe. The Lord has also allowed us to deploy many faithful men to gospel ministry and to plant numerous churches. In fact, our staffing philosophy aligns with our commitment to generosity. We will continue to bring men on staff who are pursuing pastoral ministry for a time of training and experience then deploy them to plant or revitalize churches, serve other like-minded churches, or go to the mission field.

On Sunday evening, pastor Davey Davis shared how the Lord is leading him and his family to be one of those who are sent out by High Pointe. Davey is in the process of interviews with Reaching and Teaching International Ministries to be a missionary to Ireland. This process will take some time as he raises funds, obtains visas, and finds a place for ministry. Would you join us in praying for the Davises as they navigate this process? And would you consider being a supporting partner for their work in Ireland? Think about what you may give above and beyond your regular contributions to High Pointe. I know it will be a worthwhile gospel investment.

Thank You!
High Pointe, thank you for your kindnesses and generosity in hosting over 90 pastors and church leaders this past weekend. The men were greatly encouraged to be here and observe how God has worked and is working at High Pointe. Thank you especially to Beth Hyman, our newest deacon, who worked tirelessly with her team to serve these brothers. Thank you also to Marshall Canales and Chris Parker for planning The Weekender for the men. And again, thank you, High Pointe. You are a blessing and a testimony of God’s grace.

Engaging Our Neighbors | March 9-11
For the month of March, our Engaging Our Neighbors will look a little different. We will host the Campus Collegian Network (CCN) for their evangelism training March 9-11. This meeting will serve as our evangelism training and our Engaging Our Neighbors for the month of March.

Would you join us for the training and go out to the local college campuses to share the gospel? For more information contact the church office.

On-Call Pastor
To better care for you, High Pointe, we have an “on-call” pastor available for emergencies after office hours and on weekends. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1.

Preaching Schedule: Pray regularly for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, prepare for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking it through, and asking questions about the text before Sunday. Here is a preaching schedule designed to help you prepare for Sundays:

5 March
James 5:1-12 | Pastor Davey Davis
12 March
Romans 4:1-25 | How Can Sinners be Accepted before a Holy God?
19 March
 James 5:13-20 | Pastor Davey Davis
26 March
Romans 5:1-11 | How God Made Peace with His Enemies by Killing His Son
2 April
Romans 5:12-21 | How We Went from Condemnation to Justification
9 April
Romans 6:1-14 | EASTER | Raised to Walk in Newness of Life

Mark Your Calendar

5 March – LAST Day of Life Classes (spring 1 cycle)
12 March – Daylight Savings Time (Spring Forward)
12 March – PM Prayer Service
26 March – PM Prayer Service
March 31-April 1 -- ACBC Discipleship/Biblical Counseling Conference
7 April – Good Friday Service
9 April – Easter (no pm prayer service)
23 April – PM Prayer Service

Begin praying as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.


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