High Pointe Evangelism Training

For the month of March, our Engaging Our Neighbors will look a bit different. We will host the Campus Collegian Network (CCN) for evangelism training from March 9-11. This meeting will serve as our March evangelism training and Engaging Our Neighbors.

Would you join us for the training and go to the local college campuses to share the gospel? For more information, contact the church office.

On-Call Pastor
To better care for you, High Pointe, we have an “on-call” pastor available for emergencies after office hours and on weekends. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1.

Preaching Schedule: Pray regularly for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, prepare for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking it through, and asking questions about the text before Sunday. Here is a preaching schedule designed to help you prepare for Sundays:

12 March
Romans 4:1-25 | How Can Sinners be Accepted before a Holy God?

19 March
James 5:13-20 | Pastor Davey Davis

26 March
Romans 5:1-11 | How God Made Peace with His Enemies by Killing His Son

2 April
Romans 5:12-21 | How We Went from Condemnation to Justification

9 April
Romans 6:1-14 | EASTER | Raised to Walk in Newness of Life

Mark Your Calendar
12 March – Daylight Savings Time (Spring Forward)
12 March – PM Prayer Service
26 March – PM Prayer Service
March 31-April 1 -- ACBC Discipleship/Biblical Counseling Conference
7 April – Good Friday Service
9 April – Easter (no pm prayer service)
23 April – PM Prayer Service

Begin praying as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.


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