Members’ Meeting This Sunday, 5:00 PM

Members’ meetings are our main family time when we care for one another as a church, share information you need to be a faithful member, and make important family decisions. That’s why the elders stress the importance of being a part of our family meetings. Here are some of the matters the elders will present to the congregation:

  • Membership: This Sunday night we will have the opportunity to present several new member candidates for your consideration. We rejoice that the Lord continues to bless us with a regular flow of new members. Come and begin getting to know who the Lord is bringing to High Pointe.

  • Budget Surplus Proposal: By God’s grace, through your generous giving, we exceeded our budget goals for 2022. As a result, we have a budget surplus. Some weeks ago, we sent out an email with the proposal for the surplus. We trust that you have taken the time to review it and ask questions. Please click here to see the proposal

  • Elders and Deacons: Along with membership, discipline, and doctrine, the congregation has a responsibility to affirm its leadership. This Sunday night, the elders will present one elder candidate, Dan Lisa, for your affirmation. We will also present one deacon candidate, Beth Hyman, for your affirmation as deacon of hospitality. Finally, the elders will nominate Randy Russell to serve as a deacon of Ordinances.

  • Other Family Matters: Of course, to keep the congregation informed, the elders will provide opportunity for other reports: financial, ministry, missions, etc.

Please be in prayer for our time together – that they Lord may give us wisdom as a church to care for one another and make God-glorifying decisions. And make plans to be with us.  

High Pointe/9Marks Weekender
We have the special privilege of hosting 90 pastors and church leaders from throughout the United States this weekend. These brothers are coming to be encouraged and edified. Like High Pointe, they are seeking to lead their churches to health. They will join us beginning with our elders meeting on Thursday night. On Friday and Saturday, we will have conversations about elder leadership, congregational government, membership, discipline, church planting, and various ministries in the church.
Please pray for the safety of these pastors as they travel to be with us. Many of these brothers are discouraged and have faced hard ministries. Pray that they will be encouraged as they spend time with us and worship with us on Sunday. NOTE: During our worship gathering and members’ meeting this Sunday, they will be sitting in the balcony.
On-Call Pastor
To better care for you, High Pointe, we have an “on-call” pastor available for emergencies after office hours and on weekends. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1. The on-call pastors are:
19 – 25 February | Pastor Robert Baldwin
26 February – 4 March | Pastor Brady Bowman
5 – 11 March | Pastor Davey Davis

Preaching Schedule: Pray regularly for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, prepare for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking it through, and asking questions about the text before Sunday. Here is a preaching schedule designed to help you prepare for Sundays:

26 February     Romans 3:21-31 | How Can God Forgive Sinners and Remain Righteous?
5 March           James 5:1-12 | Pastor Davey Davis
12 March         Romans 4:1-25 | How Can Sinners be Accepted before a Holy God?
19 March         James 5:13-20 | Pastor Davey Davis
26 March         Romans 5:1-11 | How God Made Peace with His Enemies by Killing His Son

Mark Your Calendar

23-26 February - HP/9Marks Weekender
26 February – Members’ Meeting
5 March – LAST Day of Life Classes (Spring 1 cycle)
12 March – Daylight Savings Time (Spring Forward)
12 March – PM Prayer Service
26 March – PM Prayer Service
7 April – Good Friday Service
9 April – Easter (no pm prayer service)
23 April – PM Prayer Service

Begin praying as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.

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