High Pointe Memorial Day Picnic This Sunday, May 26 5:00 PM

It’s time for our annual Memorial Day Picnic. Join us on THIS Sunday evening, May 26, at 5:00 PM as we gather as a church for fellowship, fun, and games. Bring the whole family. Invite the unchurched, unbelieving people in your life to come. It is a powerful testimony to our unbelieving friends to observe Christian community.

We will provide the meat. You bring the sides and desserts. If your last name begins with the letters A-G, bring hot sides. H-L bring cold sides. M-Z, bring desserts. Teens and college students, bring beverages.

Life Classes End THIS Sunday, May 26

We will take a summer break from Life Classes and resume with a new schedule of classes that will begin on Sunday, August 25 through Sunday, December 15. Look for new classes to be announced this summer and mark your calendars:
  • No Summer Life Classes
  • Fall Schedule: August 25 – December 15

KidsPointe Takes a Break after THIS Sunday
This Sunday, May 26, is the last day of KidsPointe for this school year until early fall. Moms and dads take advantage of this break to worship together as a family. You can pack crayon or pencil packets for your children and pick up sermon notes from the front foyer each Sunday. The summer is a great time to train your children to actively listen and to discuss the sermons with you.
Vacation Bible School | June 2-5

We need your help during Vacation Bible School, June 2-5, 6:00 - 8:30 pm. Please register to volunteer, to attend (kids, teens, and adults) and/or to provide snacks. Help is needed for nursery, Family Night (Wed. night only), outdoor recreation, and other areas. Please help us by signing up to serve today or contact Erin Wyman for more information.

Oaxaca Mission Trip Interest Meeting | May 26
There will be an interest meeting immediately after the morning service on Sunday, May 26 in the Old Library to determine who is interested in participating in a mission trip to Oaxaca, Mexico. For more information and questions, please reach out to Matt Rolfe.

Women’s Neighborhood Dinner Fellowship | June 22 at 5:30 PM (various locations)
Ladies, please join your High Pointe neighbors for dinner Saturday, June 22, 2024. You can register online here, and you can sign up in the foyer starting May 26th. The deadline to register for this event is Sunday, June 16. There will be several locations across the Austin area so you can choose your own neighborhood and enjoy extended conversation and fellowship with other High Pointe women in your area!
One-Day Membership Class | Saturday, July 13 | 9:00 AM to 12:00 PM
If you’re interested in learning more about High Pointe or pursuing membership with High Pointe, please mark your calendars for our One-Day Membership Class happening on July 12 from 9 AM to 12 PM. This class will cover three main questions: What is the church and why should I join, what does High Pointe believe, and what do we expect of church members at High Pointe.You can register for the class online here.
Student Ministry Summer Calendar
Student ministry families, mark your calendar for our upcoming youth activities this summer!

Summer Series: Encounters with Jesus

  • June 26th
  • July 3rd
  • July 10th
  • July 17th
  • July 24th

Other Youth Activities

  • June 19th - Game Night
  • July 19th - Bowling Night
  • August 2nd - Six Flags Trip

On-Call Pastor   
                                                                                                                          To better care for you, High Pointe, we have an “on-call” pastor available for emergencies after office hours and on weekends. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1.

Preaching Schedule: Pray regularly for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, prepare for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking it through, and asking questions about the text before Sunday. Here is our (tentative) preaching schedule designed to help you prepare for Sundays:  
  • May 26 | Judges 4-5 | Pastor Juan
  • June 2 | Judges 6, Pastor Juan
  • June 9 | Judges 7-8, Pastor Juan
  • June 16 | TBD, Pastor Juan
  • June 23 | Judges 9, Pastor Juan
  • June 30 | Judges 10-11, Pastor Juan
  • July 7-August 4 | Summer Preaching Series

Gospel Partner of the Month: The Association of Churches for Missions and Evangelism (ACME)
We are introducing a new section in our weekly e-newsletter. To help you learn about our gospel partners, we will feature a new one each month. This month, we are featuring ACME.

ACME exists to unite and mobilize like-minded churches to fund pastors, church planters, missionaries, and other projects around the world. To learn more, visit ACME online.
Resources of the Week

Begin praying as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.

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