Greet every saint in Christ Jesus.  The brethren who are with me greet you. All the saints greet you, . . . (Philippians 4:21-22)

While we continue to have many visitors when we gather each Lord’s Day, on Sunday, April 17, we will welcome many visitors to our worship gathering for the very first time. I thank God you welcome visitors with kindness and love each Lord’s Day. Guests take notice and comment on how loving a fellowship is (or is not) by their willingness to welcome newcomers. While we praise God for His work in us that opens our hearts to visitors, sometimes we get caught up in fellowship with those we know that we may and fail to notice visitors. So, let’s continually remind ourselves about the preciousness of others. The following suggestions are just some ways we can help our guests feel welcome and at home each Sunday, but especially this coming Easter Sunday.

Leave the parking spaces closest to the entrances for our guests and senior adults. We have clearly marked our guest parking area. We ask that our members honor our guests by leaving these spaces open for visitors. For those who are able, we ask that you utilize the farther parking spaces so our senior adults will not have as far to walk. Also, please note that if our parking lot should happen to be wet, it may be slick, so help one another to the building.

Greet everyone you see with a smile whether you know them or not. From the time you step out of your vehicle greet everyone with a friendly smile and tell them how glad you are to see them. Use the time from the parking lot to the pew to get to know one another.

Introduce yourself to those you don’t know. If you don’t know someone, take the time to greet them and introduce yourself. Make an effort to meet a new person or family each Sunday.  

Assist those who don’t seem to know where they are going. Remember, you may know where everything is, but our guests are not familiar with our facilities. Take time to show them around and offer to take them to where they need to go.

Fill the seats at the front of the auditorium first when you enter to worship. We all run behind schedule at times for various reasons. Late comers and guests do not like to parade before the entire congregation on their way to find a seat. If we fill the seats up front (and scoot toward the middle), then visitors and late comers can slip in without having to walk in front of the entire congregation.

Don’t rush off after the service. Instead, take a few minutes to greet visitors. Thank them for attending our services and invite them to come again.

Bring your guests to the foyer for a free gift. We have prepared gift bags for our guests, which contain information about our church, a free ESV Bible, and other free materials. Gift bags will also be available in the nursery.

Invite visitors to a meal at a restaurant or in your home after the service. One of the best ways to get to know someone is to share a meal together. Practice Christian hospitality by inviting someone to eat lunch with you after worship.

Invite first time visitors to come back and worship with us again. You will be amazed how much weight a personal invitation carries. Encourage visitors to return and worship with us on a regular Sunday.    

I thank God for you, High Pointe, and the love and fellowship we share with one another. Right or wrong, visitors will form an opinion about our church within the first few minutes after they arrive. Let’s make every effort to make our guests feel welcome through genuine, loving Christian hospitality.


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