Who We Do Missions With
“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.”
(Matthew 28:19-20, ESV).
Our gospel partnerships say a lot about who we do mission with. I’d encourage you to look through our budget and identify our gospel partners so you may pray for them. For even easier access to our gospel partners, look toward the back of your church directory. They are listed there on one page for your convenience. To drive this point home, let me remind you of the 4 criteria the elders use to decide who we partner with for the purpose of advancing the gospel.
(1) First, we do missions with those who are like-minded theologically. We want to agree with our missions partners on the gospel and the basic doctrinal convictions of gospel Christianity. At High Pointe, we distinguish between CORE, CHARACTERISTIC, and CHARITY beliefs. CORE beliefs are those doctrines that make up gospel Christianity – the trinity, the deity/humanity of Christ, penal substitution, salvation by God’s grace alone through faith in Christ alone, and so forth. These are foundational doctrines that if you were to take away one of them, you would no longer have gospel Christianity.
There are many gospel Christians who would agree with us on these CORE beliefs, but what distinguishes us from other gospel Christians is our CHARACTERISTIC beliefs: the baptism of believers only, elder leadership, congregational government, and regenerate church membership. These are the beliefs that characterize our fellowship and are required for membership at High Pointe.
Finally, there are charity beliefs—beliefs that are not essential. In these areas, Christians can disagree and still maintain fellowship. “Charity” is the old King James word for love. In these non-essential areas, we agree to love one another.
At High Pointe, we want to partner with gospel missionaries and groups that share this theology. For this reason, we have our partners affirm The 1853 New Hampshire Confession of Faith.
(2) Second, we do missions with those who are like-minded philosophically. Various Christians promote a differing number of philosophies of what missions is and who missionaries are. We want to partner with those who understand the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to emphasize taking the gospel to peoples who do not have the gospel, planting new churches, and teaching people to obey all Jesus has commanded. While there is a lot of good benevolence work done globally (orphanages, construction, etc.), we want to partner with those who share our philosophy of ministry–to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ and plant healthy gospel churches that reproduce disciples.
(3) Third, we do missions with those who are in the most strategic places. There are lots of places where we can do faithful mission work, but we want to partner with those who are doing the most strategic work. Where is it that there is little or no gospel presence? That’s where our priorities should be. And that is who we want to partner with – those seeking to advance the gospel where it is presently not.
(4) Finally, we do missions with those who have a relationship with us. This doesn’t always mean we will know the individual beforehand, but we want to make every effort to know our partners. This might mean a potential missionary will join High Pointe for a season until we know them well enough to have confidence in their call. Or it might mean that we partner with members of High Pointe who are headed into strategic missions. This is our ideal. Regardless, we want to partner with those we have a relationship with because we want to maintain those relationships once the missionary is on the field. We want to send pastors and groups of members to where they are and continue building a long-term relationship of support.
We are called to mission. Not all of us are called in the same way. Some will go; others will stay. But all of us will participate in making disciples, planting healthy, gospel churches, and teaching one another all Jesus has commanded. Join us in this mission here at High Pointe. If the Lord is calling you to take part in this mission in a different culture to a different people, then let your elders know. We would love to walk with you on that journey. May God exalt His name through High Pointe as we spread His fame throughout the world, beginning right here in Austin.

(Matthew 28:19-20, ESV).
Our gospel partnerships say a lot about who we do mission with. I’d encourage you to look through our budget and identify our gospel partners so you may pray for them. For even easier access to our gospel partners, look toward the back of your church directory. They are listed there on one page for your convenience. To drive this point home, let me remind you of the 4 criteria the elders use to decide who we partner with for the purpose of advancing the gospel.
(1) First, we do missions with those who are like-minded theologically. We want to agree with our missions partners on the gospel and the basic doctrinal convictions of gospel Christianity. At High Pointe, we distinguish between CORE, CHARACTERISTIC, and CHARITY beliefs. CORE beliefs are those doctrines that make up gospel Christianity – the trinity, the deity/humanity of Christ, penal substitution, salvation by God’s grace alone through faith in Christ alone, and so forth. These are foundational doctrines that if you were to take away one of them, you would no longer have gospel Christianity.
There are many gospel Christians who would agree with us on these CORE beliefs, but what distinguishes us from other gospel Christians is our CHARACTERISTIC beliefs: the baptism of believers only, elder leadership, congregational government, and regenerate church membership. These are the beliefs that characterize our fellowship and are required for membership at High Pointe.
Finally, there are charity beliefs—beliefs that are not essential. In these areas, Christians can disagree and still maintain fellowship. “Charity” is the old King James word for love. In these non-essential areas, we agree to love one another.
At High Pointe, we want to partner with gospel missionaries and groups that share this theology. For this reason, we have our partners affirm The 1853 New Hampshire Confession of Faith.
(2) Second, we do missions with those who are like-minded philosophically. Various Christians promote a differing number of philosophies of what missions is and who missionaries are. We want to partner with those who understand the Great Commission (Matthew 28:19-20) to emphasize taking the gospel to peoples who do not have the gospel, planting new churches, and teaching people to obey all Jesus has commanded. While there is a lot of good benevolence work done globally (orphanages, construction, etc.), we want to partner with those who share our philosophy of ministry–to advance the gospel of Jesus Christ and plant healthy gospel churches that reproduce disciples.
(3) Third, we do missions with those who are in the most strategic places. There are lots of places where we can do faithful mission work, but we want to partner with those who are doing the most strategic work. Where is it that there is little or no gospel presence? That’s where our priorities should be. And that is who we want to partner with – those seeking to advance the gospel where it is presently not.
(4) Finally, we do missions with those who have a relationship with us. This doesn’t always mean we will know the individual beforehand, but we want to make every effort to know our partners. This might mean a potential missionary will join High Pointe for a season until we know them well enough to have confidence in their call. Or it might mean that we partner with members of High Pointe who are headed into strategic missions. This is our ideal. Regardless, we want to partner with those we have a relationship with because we want to maintain those relationships once the missionary is on the field. We want to send pastors and groups of members to where they are and continue building a long-term relationship of support.
We are called to mission. Not all of us are called in the same way. Some will go; others will stay. But all of us will participate in making disciples, planting healthy, gospel churches, and teaching one another all Jesus has commanded. Join us in this mission here at High Pointe. If the Lord is calling you to take part in this mission in a different culture to a different people, then let your elders know. We would love to walk with you on that journey. May God exalt His name through High Pointe as we spread His fame throughout the world, beginning right here in Austin.

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The Son Who Pleases the Father | Luke 3:21-4:13
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What Does Repentance Look Like? | Luke 3:1-20
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The Good Life | 1 Thessalonians 4:1-12
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A Long-Distance Relationship | 1 Thessalonians 2:17-3:13
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