Summer Preaching Series | July 24, 2022 | 10:00 AM
It was a blessing to host Shai Linne for our summer preaching series this past Sunday. If you missed it, you can go on our website to view or download previous sermons. Go to our Sermons page on our website.

This Sunday morning, we have the privilege of welcoming Matt Boswell. Matt is the lead pastor of The Trails Church in Celina, Texas. He is an author and hymnwriter. If you’ve been at High Pointe for any length of time, you’ve sung his hymns. To listen to some of Matt’s hymns, visit Messenger Hymns.

Life Classes
The last day of Life Classes for this cycle is THIS Sunday, July 24. We will resume a new cycle of Life Classes beginning Sunday, August 21, at 9:00 a.m. Our Meaningful Membership Class follows the same schedule as life classes.

Sunday Evenings at 5:00 PM
We continue to meet on the second and fourth Sunday evenings throughout the summer, though we will have a different focus. This Sunday night, July 24, we will hear from Matt Boswell and Eric McAllister on congregational singing. Join us and be prepared to sing!

Then, to reinforce what we learn about congregational singing, on Sunday evening, August 14, we will have a hymn sing. Plan now to join us as we gather for an encouraging time of singing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs.

Special Called Members’ Meeting | July 24 | 4:45 PM
Finally, THIS SUNDAY, July 24, at 4:45 pm, we will have a brief special-called members’ meeting to vote on the proposed distribution of funds to strategic gospel partners identified by our elders. If you have any questions, feel free to contact pastor Davey Davis (

Let’s look forward to a great summer together as a church!


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