WE’VE CLOSED THE BALCONY (for the time being)

Having sent out close to fifty people with Emmaus, we decided to close the balcony this past Sunday on the recommendation of several members and elders. And what an AMAZINGLY ENCOURAGING service we had with everyone worshipping together on the main level. The room was packed. The singing was great. And the fellowship was sweet.

I’m sure some of you who were used to sitting in the balcony may have been surprised to find the balcony unavailable, but we ask that you bear with us. Because it was so encouraging to worship together on the main floor, we will try to do that until we run out of room.

For now, we will work this week to rearrange the floor seating for maximum capacity. I can’t wait to see how the Lord will continue to encourage us and how many new relationships will emerge from all of us being together. But we’re also praying the Lord blesses us with continued new members and that we run out of room.

On Call Pastor
In an effort to better care for High Pointe, we have begun to identify an “on-call” pastor. The purpose of the on-call pastor is to have a pastor available for emergencies outside of office hours. We will announce each week who the on-call pastor is for the coming week and put it in the service order card and in this e-news. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1. Here is the upcoming schedule:
•02 Oct – 08 Oct | Pastor Davey Davis
•09 Oct – 15 Oct | Pastor Brady Bowman
•16 Oct – 22 Oct | Pastor Juan Sanchez
•23 Oct – 29 Oct | Pastor Davey Davis
•30 Oct – 05 Nov | Pastor Robert Baldwin

We will have our regular members’ meeting on Sunday, October 23, at 5:00 pm. Please make every effort to join us as we care for one another, receive, and remove members, and vote on the 2023 budget. The proposed budget has been available for some time now. If you don’t have a copy, please call the church office at 512-837-7725.

FREE Missionary Biographies
As we seek to be more globally-minded Christians so that the Lord may cultivate in our hearts a love for the nations, along with regularly reading the Bible, we want to encourage you to read missionary biographies. Here is a link to three missionary biographies collected by John Piper. Read these yourself. Read them aloud to your children. Read and talk about them with other members.


Preaching Schedule
October 9 | James 3:13-18, Pastor Davey Davis
October 16 | Acts 1:1-11, Pastor Brady Bowman
October 23 | Esther 5-7, Pastor Juan Sanchez
October 30 | Esther 8-10, Pastor Juan Sanchez


1 Comment

Kaitlyn Wehe - October 5th, 2022 at 5:17pm

I loved it! Sorry to all the people who miss their spots but I enjoyed having a room full of people in worship. I think it was a great idea. Thanks for the missionary biography link too!





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