2023 Holiday Schedule at High Pointe
It’s hard to believe, but we are quickly approaching the end of 2023. As you spend time with
family and friends, we pray that you will have a blessed Christmas and a joy-filled new year. If
you are not traveling, we encourage you to invite family, friends, coworkers, and classmates to
join us during the holidays. To help you plan here is our schedule:
December 17, 2023
10:00 AM Morning Gathering
5:00 PM Life Groups Meet
December 24, 2023
10:00 AM Morning Gathering
(No Childcare Available)
(No KidsPointe)
6:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
(Childcare for 8 months - 3 years old)
December 31, 2023
10:00 AM Morning Gathering
(No KidsPointe)
January 7, 2024
(Resume Regular Sunday Schedule)
January 28, 2024
9:00 AM Life & Membership Classes Resume
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Each year we collect a special offering for international missions. This year, our goal is $25,000.
The first $8,000 we receive will go to help one of our gospel partners purchase a vehicle for the
field. The remainder of the monies we receive will go to the International Mission Board’s Lottie
Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. All these monies go directly to help the
work of missionaries on the field. Would you pray about how much you might give above and
beyond your regular giving to help us reach our goal that we may help reach the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Christmas Card Exchange
In an effort to help our members exchange Christmas cards and save on postage, Beth Hyman
has placed a box in the foyer where you may place your Christmas cards according to
alphabetical order. Feel free to take advantage of the opportunity. And do say thank you to Beth Hyman!
Young Adults Christmas Party | Friday, December 22 at 6:00 PM
Attention all young adults! Jacob and Ellie Smedley are hosting a young adult Christmas party at
their house on Friday 12/22, at 6:00 pm! We’ll eat some tacos and decorate some Christmas
cookies that everyone will get to take home to give to a neighbor, co-worker, or friend! Just
bring yourself!! Let Ellie know if you can come by texting her at 214-585-9576 so we have
enough food & cookies! We're looking forward to some fun fellowship!!! Join us at 1319 East
Logan Street Round Rock, TX 78664.
Giving at High Pointe
God is generous, and so he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows
the world where our hearts are and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God in every
area of our lives, including what we do with our finances. But as you may have noticed, we do
not take up a collection on Sundays at High Pointe. Consequently, we’ve been receiving
questions as to how to give. There are several ways you may give:
1. Offering Boxes in Auditorium – You may place your offering in an offering box.
2. Mail – You may mail your contribution to the church office.
3. Text/Online – You may give by texting 84321 (it will require a first-time setup).
4. Your Bank – You may give through your own bank via Bill Pay or ACH.
If you have any questions, go to this LINK. Our financial staff is also available to help or answer
your questions. You may call the church office at 512-837-7725.
On-Call Pastor
To better care for you, High Pointe, we have an “on-call” pastor available for emergencies after
office hours and on weekends. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1.
Preaching Schedule: Pray regularly for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, prepare
for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking it through, and asking questions about the
text before Sunday.
Here is a preaching schedule designed to help you prepare for Sundays:
December 17 | Romans 15:1-13, Pastor Juan
December 24 | Christmas Eve Day Message, Pastor Juan
December 24 | Christmas Eve Service, Pastor Juan
December 31 | Pastor Davey Davis
January 7 | Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 | Trusting God in the Day of Adversity, Pastor Juan
January 14 | Romans 15:14-33 | Reaching the Unreached, Pastor Juan
January 21 | Romans 16:1-16 | The Beauty of Gospel Relationships, Pastor Juan
January 28 | Pastor Davey Davis
February 4 | Romans 16:17-27 | Be Wise as to What is Good and Innocent as to What is
Evil, Pastor Juan
Resources of the Week
My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2023 – Collin Hansen
Small Group Saved My Parents’ Marriage – Emma Norton
Who Was St. Nicholas? – Kevin DeYoung
The Curious History of Christmas – Scott Hubbard
Begin praying as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.
family and friends, we pray that you will have a blessed Christmas and a joy-filled new year. If
you are not traveling, we encourage you to invite family, friends, coworkers, and classmates to
join us during the holidays. To help you plan here is our schedule:
December 17, 2023
10:00 AM Morning Gathering
5:00 PM Life Groups Meet
December 24, 2023
10:00 AM Morning Gathering
(No Childcare Available)
(No KidsPointe)
6:00 PM Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
(Childcare for 8 months - 3 years old)
December 31, 2023
10:00 AM Morning Gathering
(No KidsPointe)
January 7, 2024
(Resume Regular Sunday Schedule)
January 28, 2024
9:00 AM Life & Membership Classes Resume
Lottie Moon Christmas Offering
Each year we collect a special offering for international missions. This year, our goal is $25,000.
The first $8,000 we receive will go to help one of our gospel partners purchase a vehicle for the
field. The remainder of the monies we receive will go to the International Mission Board’s Lottie
Moon Christmas Offering for International Missions. All these monies go directly to help the
work of missionaries on the field. Would you pray about how much you might give above and
beyond your regular giving to help us reach our goal that we may help reach the nations with the gospel of Jesus Christ?
Christmas Card Exchange
In an effort to help our members exchange Christmas cards and save on postage, Beth Hyman
has placed a box in the foyer where you may place your Christmas cards according to
alphabetical order. Feel free to take advantage of the opportunity. And do say thank you to Beth Hyman!
Young Adults Christmas Party | Friday, December 22 at 6:00 PM
Attention all young adults! Jacob and Ellie Smedley are hosting a young adult Christmas party at
their house on Friday 12/22, at 6:00 pm! We’ll eat some tacos and decorate some Christmas
cookies that everyone will get to take home to give to a neighbor, co-worker, or friend! Just
bring yourself!! Let Ellie know if you can come by texting her at 214-585-9576 so we have
enough food & cookies! We're looking forward to some fun fellowship!!! Join us at 1319 East
Logan Street Round Rock, TX 78664.
Giving at High Pointe
God is generous, and so he calls us to be as well. What we do with what God has given us shows
the world where our hearts are and helps proclaim the gospel. We want to glorify God in every
area of our lives, including what we do with our finances. But as you may have noticed, we do
not take up a collection on Sundays at High Pointe. Consequently, we’ve been receiving
questions as to how to give. There are several ways you may give:
1. Offering Boxes in Auditorium – You may place your offering in an offering box.
2. Mail – You may mail your contribution to the church office.
3. Text/Online – You may give by texting 84321 (it will require a first-time setup).
4. Your Bank – You may give through your own bank via Bill Pay or ACH.
If you have any questions, go to this LINK. Our financial staff is also available to help or answer
your questions. You may call the church office at 512-837-7725.
On-Call Pastor
To better care for you, High Pointe, we have an “on-call” pastor available for emergencies after
office hours and on weekends. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1.
Preaching Schedule: Pray regularly for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, prepare
for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking it through, and asking questions about the
text before Sunday.
Here is a preaching schedule designed to help you prepare for Sundays:
December 17 | Romans 15:1-13, Pastor Juan
December 24 | Christmas Eve Day Message, Pastor Juan
December 24 | Christmas Eve Service, Pastor Juan
December 31 | Pastor Davey Davis
January 7 | Ecclesiastes 7:1-14 | Trusting God in the Day of Adversity, Pastor Juan
January 14 | Romans 15:14-33 | Reaching the Unreached, Pastor Juan
January 21 | Romans 16:1-16 | The Beauty of Gospel Relationships, Pastor Juan
January 28 | Pastor Davey Davis
February 4 | Romans 16:17-27 | Be Wise as to What is Good and Innocent as to What is
Evil, Pastor Juan
Resources of the Week
My Top 10 Theology Stories of 2023 – Collin Hansen
Small Group Saved My Parents’ Marriage – Emma Norton
Who Was St. Nicholas? – Kevin DeYoung
The Curious History of Christmas – Scott Hubbard
Begin praying as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.
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