Jesus, Friend of Sinners | Luke 5:1-32

If you’ve ever played pick-up basketball, you know the strategy of the captains picking the team want to pick the best players. Personally, I know what it’s like to be picked last. Thankfully, when it comes to who Jesus picks to enter into the kingdom, he chooses differently than we would. In Luke 5:32, Jesus reminds us that he came, not for the righteous, but to save sinners. And in vv.1-32 of that same chapter, we see how he chooses the unworthy fishermen, an unclean leper, a paralyzed man, and a despicable tax collector. Jesus came to save sinners! 
  1. Jesus calls sinners to follow him (5:1-11).
Fishermen were an important part of the economy in first century Israel, but they were lowly in social standing. And yet, this is who Jesus called to follow him. But he doesn’t just call sinners to follow him. He calls sinners to become fishers of men. When Jesus calls, sinners become followers and followers become fishermen.  
As a follower of Jesus, where are YOU fishing? Who are you fishing for? Our mission statement says, We exist to glorify God by making wholehearted follower of Jesus among all peoples. So, High Pointe, join us in fishing for men, women, and children from all peoples that those who presently do not worship Jesus may become wholehearted worshippers.  
  1. Jesus cleanses sinners to restore them (5:12-16).
Not only does Jesus call sinners to follow him, but he also cleanses sinners from all uncleanness. Lepers were thought to be inflicted with their disease due to sin. So, sin and impurity were closely associated with then. In fact, to touch a leper would make one unclean. And yet, Jesus touched the leper and rather than being infected with disease or becoming ceremonially unclean, Jesus made the unclean clean. By his purity, Jesus infects us with his cleanness. 
How are you trying to clean yourself up? No matter how hard you try, you cannot. But Jesus offers to cleanse us. How? What can wash away our sins? “Nothing but the blood of Jesus.” What can make me whole again? “Nothing but the blood of Jesus. You see, Jesus’s work of cleansing foreshadows his work on the cross. Come to Jesus and find cleansing – over and over again. 
  1. Jesus forgives sinners to free them (5:17-26).
The paralytic was enslaved to the effects of Adam’s sin in his body. He could not walk. He could not get to Jesus. He was dependent on his friends to bring him to Jesus. When Jesus saw their faith, he forgave them of their sins and freed him from the bondage of paralysis. 
The good news about Jesus’s salvation and the promised kingdom is that he saves ALL of us, not just our souls. Our salvation is wholistic and includes our bodies. We look forward to receiving our resurrection bodies and a kingdom where there will be no more suffering. For now, this hope encourages us to wait on the Lord for total healing. 
  1. Jesus eats with sinners to dignify them (5:27-32).
Once again, Jesus calls sinners to follow him. This time a despicable tax collector. Despicable because tax collectors in this day were Jews who worked collecting taxes for Rome and has a reputation for extortion. And yet, Jesus not only calls Matthew to follow him, Jesus eats with Matthew and other tax collectors and sinners dignifying them as welcome into the kingdom. 
Jesus came into the world to save sinners. He calls sinners – the unworthy, the unclean, the enslaved, the despicable – and they leave everything behind and follow him. But the story doesn’t end there. These followers become fishermen. Jesus calls sinners to join him in mission. 
What about YOU? Are you following Jesus? If so, are you fishing for Jesus? 
Resources of the Week
HPBC Church Center App Update 
Our app has been updated with a new homepage featuring the digital order of service, weekly announcements, a digital directory, and resources to help you get involved.  
If you have questions about the app or how to use it, feel free to call the church office or ask anyone on staff, and they would be happy to help you in setting it up.
See a picture of the updated homepage below! 
Opportunities to Serve and Grow at High Pointe 
(For Opportunities to Serve at High Pointe, click HERE)  
Women's Prayer and Head Wear Gift Exchange Event | THIS Saturday, March 8
Please join us at High Pointe on Saturday, March 8 from 3-6 PM for a prayer exchange! Each attendee should bring a new, unused "head wear" item to exchange with another woman. This will also be a potluck event, so please bring an appetizer to share!

Men’s Steak and Hymns Fellowship | Friday, March 28 
All men are invited to come enjoy steak and fellowship at High Pointe on Friday, March 28 from 6:30 PM to 9:00 PM. Sides will be provided, but attendees must bring their own meat to grill. Register here.  
Young Adult Luncheon | Sunday, March 30  
The young adults will be having lunch together after the service on March 30. The lunch will begin at 12:30 PM, and it will take place at Buddy’s Burgers (9001 Cameron Rd Ste 101, Austin, TX 78754).  
Gospel Witness and the True and Better Story (Evangelism Seminar) | Saturday, April 5

Do you struggle to be a gospel witness in today’s skeptical world? Are you looking for better ways to have meaningful conversations about God that offer hope and purpose? Join us for an Equipping Workshop on Saturday, April 5 from 9 AM to 12:00 PM where we’ll explore how to share the true and better Story—Jesus Christ, the Hero and center of history. This workshop will equip you with practical tools to share the gospel in a way that resonates deeply with others. Feel free to arrive at 8:30 AM for fellowship. Snacks and coffee will be provided. Childcare is limited and will not be offered past April 1 at 4:00PM. Register here.
Life Classes | Sunday at 9:00 AM
Life Classes are meant to equip High Pointe for life as a Christian. We encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity and join us. Childcare is available for ages 8 months through Pre-K. This session, we are offering the following classes from January 26 to May 25:
  • Evangelizing through Mark (Room 201, Old Choir Room) 
  • Discipling Through Ephesians (Room 203, Livingston Room) 
  • Spanish Life Class | Los Atributos de Dios (Room 200, East Training Room) 
  • Youth Life Class | The Pentateuch (Room 101, Old Library) 
  • Kid's Life Class | K-5th grade (Room 104, Overflow Room) 

Sunday AM Preaching Schedule: Pray regularly for the ministry of the Word at High Pointe. Also, prepare for our gatherings by reading the sermon text, thinking it through, and asking questions about the text before Sunday. Here is our (tentative) preaching schedule designed to help you prepare for Sundays:  
  • March 9 | Deuteronomy 6:1-9 | Pastor Robert Cline 
  • March 16 | Luke 5:33-6:11 | Pastor Juan Sanchez 
  • March 23 | Luke 6:12-49 | Pastor Juan Sanchez 
  • March 30 | Psalm 119:9-16 | Pastor Robert Cline
Begin praying as you prepare to gather with us this Sunday at 10:00 am.
Gospel Partner of the Month: Predica Fiel
In our approach to missions at High Pointe, we not only seek to send our best, but we also want to equip and encourage those who are already serving in the field. One of the ways to do that is to provide training for national pastors and missionaries. Predica Fiel is a training ministry that equips pastors, missionaries, and church leaders in expositional teaching and preaching. They provide training workshops throughout the island of Cuba and the Spanish-speaking world.
Please pray that the Lord will give them favor and fruitfulness in their work. Pray that the Lord would grant them continued opportunities to train pastors, missionaries, and teachers. And pray that the Lord would provide all the resources they need to do their work.
On-Call Pastor
To better care for you, High Pointe, we have an “on-call” pastor available for emergencies after office hours and on weekends. To reach the on-call pastor, call 512-837-7725, extension 1. 

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